Pressurised disinfestation
We rescue your goods! Fast, uncomplicated, cost-effective. Success rate of almost 100%
A damaged or even unusable delivery can quickly become expensive. Pressure disinfestation is a fast, gentle and cost-saving way to save your goods. This saves you money, time, nerves and hassle.
Dear supplier!
You have supplied your customer with raw materials in bulk trucks, big bags or smaller containers, and now pest infestation has been detected in the goods? This is annoying, but not an unrecoverable problem
What is pressure disinfestation, how does it work?
In a pressure disinfestation plant, your goods are treated safely and gently with process carbon dioxide. We use one of the two gases approved by the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety. After a few hours of treatment, the products can be processed or shipped immediately. or delivered.
It is particularly important for the treatment of organic raw materials due to its virtually residue-free application.

What should I do if pest infestation has been detected in my shipment?
It’s very simple: You call us at 0421 – 45 85 14 11 and can then come directly to us with your truck. We unload the goods and carry out the pressure disinfestation in our in-house facility.
As a rule, we can deliver the treated goods to your customer just two days later, or you can collect the goods from us again and deliver them to the recipient yourself.
What are my advantages at a glance?
Safe: The success rate in the process of pressure disinfestation is almost 100%. This gentle method protects your goods from chemical cleaning damage or unusability. The appearance and taste of the goods are also preserved.
Clean: Pressure disinfestation works entirely without the use of toxic chemicals, making it a non-toxic alternative to gases such as hydrogen phosphide.
Fast and cost-saving: save on redelivery or additional costs due to late delivery. Pressure disinfestation is a fast way to save your goods. After about two days, you will receive the treated goods back.
Uncomplicated: Pest infestation has been detected in your shipment. You come directly to us and we start the disinfestation. Afterwards we – or you – can transport the treated goods directly to your customer.
Do you have any questions for us? Don’t hesitate to contact us at any time.